We offer a 14-day free trial and you can cancel your subscription at any time afterwards.
Auto Comment
Can't find leads or followers? Use the Rebotou's automated commenting feature to help you quickly get a conversation with your target users.
Complete Data Privacy
When you use Rebotou as your smart bot, you’ll be pleased to know that all data is processed on your local computer. Protect yourself from prying eyes.
Team Work
The Rebotou supports importing and exporting task configurations to take team collaboration to the next level.
Bot, Like a Human
Rebotou is a bot, but like a human. It makes random delays between every action and tries to be more like a human. Be nice and not to overwhelm the TikTok server.
Everything on Computer
Tried of doing all the TikTok stuffs on your mobile phone? Now you have a better choice. With Rebotou, you can deal with them on your computer efficiently.
And More
This is just the beginning. We are still working hard to build more features into Rebotou. And hopefully it will let you spend less time and make more money on TikTok.